Here we’ve outlined the differences between RFID and NFC because we often get asked why they’re different. We’ve included examples of real world uses of each of them and how they differ.
RFID can be longer range, more flexible in uses, and can be used to track inventory, baggage in airports, access buildings (offices, apartments), and collect toll amounts for interstate / province to province travel.
NFC can be programmed to open Google Maps upon entering your car, making payments close contact with your iPhone, and turn on Netflix upon tapping your phone close to a pre-programmed NFC tag.
We wanted to explain further in practical use cases on how things can quickly go from copying a building key fob for accessing the pool, gym, locker room, etc. to things like managing supply chains for places like Amazon, Distribution chains for products like books at Indigo, or drinks from convenience stores using RFID signals to differentiate products and progress all along the way to reach the end user in a more seamless manner.
More below!

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RFID vs. NFC Explained! – Key Fob Copy Service with Lifetime Warranty | FobToronto
Please visit us at 47 Charles St W. Bay & Charles 10-7pm to copy your condo and apartment key fob or remote to access your parking garage. We can copy any standard key fob, garage remote fob, & high security key fob i.e miFare, iClass. We can also duplicate RFID parking garage remote buttons onto a new remote copy with fob inside or without. New phone fobs and remotes available now.
For more information on RFID, NFC, Fobs, and Square, please visit our website.
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Services available in North York 6:30-8pm appointment only. Text us 416-931-0225 to book an appointment today. Same-day service.