
Follow these simple lifetime property management rental tips for a better apartment and condominium experience. Are you renting out your property like a condo, apartment, or even office? We made an infographic to focus on one part of the process of renting. That part is keys and key fobs to access the unit. We know there’s a ton of things going on as a property manager, realtor, or tenant, like finding cleaners to maintain the quality of the unit and all of its’ bedding, furniture, and other general cleaning services.

Other things as well as listing your property on Airbnb cleaning, kijiji locksmith, realtor.com / realtor.ca, and many other things to keep it as great as possible. One thing that is overlooked is the fact that tenants or landlords who live in it lose their keys and fobs unexpectedly.

Friendly Reminder for key Rental Management

This is just a friendly reminder to try and not lose them because it happens ALL the time, as well as making a copy for your friends, family, cleaners. While other members of the property management team, and for just-in-case purposes.

It’s super cheap compared with paying up to $400 for a key and fob deposit, and you’ll thank yourself for getting a spare (which only takes 2 minutes) in advance.

Share this post to help others to not pay hundreds of dollars! That way they’ll be forever grateful to you! 🙂

rental tips
guidelines for renter, rental tips, lifetime property management,
Key and fob tips to prevent loss

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Please visit us at 47 Charles St W. Bay & Charles 10-7 pm to copy your condo and apartment key fob or remote to access your parking garage. We can copy any standard key fob, garage remote fob, & high-security key fob i.e Mifare, iClass. We can also duplicate RFID parking garage remote buttons onto a new remote copy with a fob inside or without. New phone fobs and remotes available now. 

For more information on RFID, NFC, Fobs, and Square, please visit our website.

Click here to view our exclusive products & services: https://mailchi.mp/083cc8c30614/fob-remote-copy

Services available in North York 6:30-8 pm appointment only. Text us 416-931-0225 to book an appointment today. Same-day service.

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