We’ve made an infographic based on our clients’ frequently asked questions. And general curiosity about how RFID key fob works? Does it have a coil inside? Does it have numbers attached? How does it react with the system?
All of these questions are explained in mathematical detail outlining Hexadecimals, Unicode data, and more that allows RFID assets tags to be copied and function the exact same as the original, and how they transmit the data explained further below.

Hope you enjoyed our infographic on How RFID Works!
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Any more question about RFID?
Please visit us at 47 Charles St W. Bay & Charles 10-7pm to copy your condo and apartment key fob or remote to access your parking garage. We can copy any standard key fob, garage remote fob, & high security key fob i.e miFare, iClass. We can also duplicate RFID parking garage remote buttons onto a new remote copy with fob inside or without. New phone fobs and remotes available now.
Same-day service with a 100% money back guarantee. 24/7 online fob appointments. We offer products and services with a lifetime warranty.
For more information on RFID, NFC, Fobs, and Square, please visit our blog.
Click here to view our exclusive products & services: https://mailchi.mp/083cc8c30614/fob-remote-copy
Services available in North York 6:30-8pm appointment only. Text us 416-931-0225 to book an appointment today. Same-day service.
Click here to view our exclusive products & services: https://mailchi.mp/083cc8c30614/fob-remote-copy
How RFID Works Infographic - RFID Key Duplication Service with Lifetime Warranty | FobToronto
Learn more about how RFID key fobs and asset tag tracking work using electronic coil and fob technology and the data behind the copying process.